What is Angelic Design?
Every home or business has sectors that reflect the energy, attitudes and beliefs of its owner/occupant. These sectors tell a story of the connectivity between its occupant and their space revealing hidden disharmony and inner conflicts that work against their goals. Angelic Design adjusts and aligns the energetic grid of a home, business or property to create supportive balance in manifesting your goals, desires and intentions. Any unclarity in receiving a desired goal is reflected outwardly into the space.
Years ago this was referred to as Feng Shui and it was a calculated science. Some of these ancient scientific methods are outdated because of energetic pollution such as cell phone towers, ELF’S and EMF radiation disturbances. The earth’s grid lines are disturbed by these toxic energies so it’s necessary to adjust/ harmonize the interior/exterior of a home to shift its energy.
As I view floor plans or walk through a structure the Angels suggest design adjustments to balance the home or business space; transforming stagnant – negative energy. The home/business is an external reflection of your inner truth. Change your inner conscious perceptual beliefs and your environment will reflect this new congruence. Shift your external environment and your inner truth consciousness will align in harmony.
How does Angelic Design work?
Angelic Design works by understanding what the home, business or property is communicating vibrationally and making adjustments. The property can resonate with the previous owner, or occupant even with the original builder. Some properties have a “history vibration” where the property’s grid emits this energetic signal over time, attracting similar owners/occupants who resonate with this energetic history. Angelic Design clears past negative patterns and resets the energetic light blueprints. Angelic Design re-directs the way energy flows around the furniture and items within the space.
Why is it important?
Angelic Design is a window into your soul by seeing what is being reflected in your home or business. It gives a true picture of your inner work journey. Angelic Design empowers tangible changes in your life and environment, transforming your life energy around you.
Your home and business space are your biggest investments where you spend the most time and energy thereby creating your reality. Angelic Design realigns the elements in harmony with your home so your life is in balance. Sometimes there will be complete sectors missing, a severe affliction or a dominating element. For instance is there disharmony between the metal, fire, earth, water and wood elements? If so, where are these imbalances and in which sectors? Is there a dominant element in conflict with your goals? Environmental harmony and support brings peaceful ease in how you co-create your intention.
The renter, purchaser or realtor should know their challenges whether living in, purchasing or selling the property. If there has been a tragedy, divorce or illness experienced in a home or property, these energies resonate within the home’s energy grid. An Angelic Design consultation is necessary to heal and transform the property. The longer an energetic history has been in place, the more reinforced it is adjustments will be needed to transform the home.
An Angelic Design consultation is due diligence to save time, money and peace of mind in the reality environment you’d like to create before moving, purchasing or representing a home as a realtor.
When does one need to apply the Angelic Design Principles?
Notice the events or the lack thereof that are happening in your life. If you are having difficulty realizing your goal or shifting into it, or if you have an unwanted repetitive pattern/scenario persisting in your life, it’s time for an adjustment in the home’s energy grid.
Your home has chakras just like your body does. Each grid area correlates with chakras in the physical body to indicate any health, spiritual and emotional imbalances. A house and body mirror each other and reflect the actual state of the owner/occupant. Once Angelic Design adjustments are applied, the owner/occupant’s health responds accordingly.
How Will I Know When Angelic Design is Effective?
Usually you experience positive big energetic shifts toward your goals within 48 hrs. Often there are layers of manifestation that evolve over weeks. If there are additional transformations necessary it is usually evident within 3 days. Sometimes a home or business can require Angelic tune ups. Notice what is changing around you in regards to your desires after an Angelic Design. This self-awareness discovery is the inner work to continually receive and be with what you desire.
Some people and their homes may have more challenges than others. They create new situations by working with contrasting conflict to gain clarity on their intentions. These home business situations require adjustments until the new intention is manifested and stabilized. Often the occupant will tell me they want one thing but their home is telling a completely different story. The individual has inner confusion and the home reflects this. Sometimes the owner, seller, realtor, or occupant must transform inner perspective unblocking the hidden resistance to realize the desired goal.
Who can benefit from Angelic Design?
Everyone can apply Angelic Design Principles:
- Newlyweds – Does your home support love, family, unity and having quality friendships?
- Realtors – Is this property going to make you work hard to sell it? Can it be sold quickly and easily? Will this home vibrate with a reasonable transaction in a peaceful manner without drama or conflict? Does it resonate with abundance and good income?
- Owners or Renter – Are you experiencing what you want in your life? Does your business or home support your intentions? What do you want to see enhanced in your life? Do you have stability in your relationships?
- Sellers – Does this home or business property have afflictions or certain sectors missing? Angelic Design can harmonize these imbalances and create a new energetic grid for the home to sell easily to the purchaser who resonates with the energy.
- Business owners – Does the business flourish and grow in your chosen business space? Are you meeting your deadlines and goals? Do you receive friendly support in business transactions? Can the business hold money to work with or does money flow out quicker than it comes into the business? Is the business progressing easily or with difficulty? Is there confusion in business transactions?
Questions to contemplate when looking at a home, business, property, or office space:
- How long do you intend to stay in the space?
- What are your intentions with the possible home, property?
- Is it an investment? Will you live in it or will it be a vacation home?
- Will there be a home-based business, new or existing?
- Are you starting a family? Expanding your family?
- Is this a primary retirement residence?
- What are your personal goals and the focus that you are intending?
- Where there prior difficulties to break through in your last residence or business?
- Are there any recent energy dynamic trends or patterns of activity that you’ve noticed in your life? What’s been occurring in your life?
- How is your health? Any challenges?
How do I proceed to have an Angelic Design Consultation?
First, I will need to see a floor plan or sketch of the floor plan for your home or business you’d like to work on. If possible, take a picture from the front doorway facing the inside of your home and any other pictures will be helpful. Email them to me at: Julie@JulieBontier.com
If you’re purchasing through a realtor, you can submit floor plans of the homes or business properties you’re interested in to see which plans will provide the best outcome for you. Sending me plats of the land or the building’s floor plan will also be helpful.
List your intentions, what you’d like to co-create with this home, business, or existing property.
An Angelic Design phone consultation is usually 1 to 2 hours @ $200.00 per hour. During your phone session, you can draw on your floor plan copy all of the adjustments the Angels suggest and your session will be recorded for later reference.
The Angels will discuss the dynamics of the situation in conjunction with your goals and advise adjustments or even if this property is in alignment with your intentions.
For an in-person Angelic Design session:
- Each project is unique, so please call or email for an estimate.
email: julie@juliebontier.com
Phone: (310) 399-0427
Office: (520) 612-7676